In-game Name: Haas
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:673322942
Discord ID: 981324046752968754
Platform (CW/Imp/Discord/Web): Community banned
Staff Member Involved: Everyone, I think Turtles banned me finally
Reason for Ban: Not actually sure
Length of Ban: Permanent
Date of Ban: Not sure
Why do you think you should be unbanned: Just wanna come back and have fun, Deadshot said put in a unban appeal. I've alted a few times, fucked around on those alts but also been staff, event team, worked to help a lot of regiments, so I'm not ALL that bad. Just wanna come back and have a bit of fun, won't say the n word anymore or spam Discord webhooks with the n word or anything like that. Also happy to work out a little deal with you Deadshot
Any Evidence: Me and Rory Burns go back he knows I'm a proper mint guy.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:673322942
Discord ID: 981324046752968754
Platform (CW/Imp/Discord/Web): Community banned
Staff Member Involved: Everyone, I think Turtles banned me finally
Reason for Ban: Not actually sure
Length of Ban: Permanent
Date of Ban: Not sure
Why do you think you should be unbanned: Just wanna come back and have fun, Deadshot said put in a unban appeal. I've alted a few times, fucked around on those alts but also been staff, event team, worked to help a lot of regiments, so I'm not ALL that bad. Just wanna come back and have a bit of fun, won't say the n word anymore or spam Discord webhooks with the n word or anything like that. Also happy to work out a little deal with you Deadshot

Any Evidence: Me and Rory Burns go back he knows I'm a proper mint guy.