Forum Rules

  • Important Account Infomation

    Due to an issue with our previous host, we lost all of the data on our previous site. This means you are required to create a new account on both our forums and store. To transfer any tags/packages over to your new accounts, please create a ticket in the respective discord.

Forum Rules

The forums are a place where people can interact and have discussions about different topics.
In order to maintain a happy and friendly environment we ask that you follow these rules to ensure that the forums have some productive conversation.
These rules and guidelines are enforced by the forum team and at their discretion will warn, suspend and even ban players for breaking them if seen necessary. Please be aware ignorance of the rules is not an excuse and you should check regularly for any changes. If you are unsure about the meaning or intention of a rule feel free to send a private message to one of the Forum Moderators or Admins.

General Forum Rules

1.1 - This is an English website, all forum posts must be written in English. Any thread topics or replies written in a language other than English may be removed without notice. This is mainly because we cannot moderate languages we do not understand.
1.2 - When making a post, please make sure it’s in the correct forum before posting.
1.3 - Spam, advertisement or insults directed towards other communities are not permitted. A suspension from the forums may be issued if found to be doing so. This includes shitposting, trolling or intentional derailment of threads.
1.4 - Do not post for banned users unless it is a Courthouse issue. i.e. an unban request, player report, etc.
1.5 - With the exception of using a second account to submit a forum un-ban appeal, you may not under any circumstance register a second forum account without prior authorisation of a Senior Admin+ - If creating a second account for un-ban purposes please include this in the account name.
1.6 - Images in the shout box need to be reduced to an acceptable size before posting as this clogs up the shout box and doesn't look attractive. Any images that are overly too big will be removed without question.

General Posting Guidelines

2.1 - Posts with the intention of invoking un-needed arguments (beef) or posted solely with the purpose of insulting players or staff members in a non-constructive way will be removed. Excessive breaching of this rule will result in punishments.
2.2 - Do not post any personal information about you or anyone else. We don't want to know your street address.
2.3 - Turn off your caps lock, do not use excessive capitals in your posts. This extends to topic titles.
2.4 - Labels must be relevant, and used in limitation to your thread.
2.5 - Some forum sections contain their own set of rules that must be followed. Make sure to read them before posting or you may find yourself being issued a forum warning or suspension.
2.6 - Do not Backseat Administrator on the forums. If members find a post/thread that is against the rules, use the Post Report feature to report posts. Do not respond to such topics yourself. Those who constantly "act" as forum administrators will be warned or banned.
2.7 - Members should remember this board is aimed at a general audience. Posting pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning.
2.8 - Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media, etc. Users linking to or asking for information on warez, crackz, etc. or re-printing material without permission will receive a warning and their post will be removed.
2.9 - Members should respect the bandwidth of other users and sites. If showing high-resolution photos insert a link of them instead of using the image tags.
2.10 - Members should use an appropriate, descriptive subject when posting a new topic. Examples of bad subjects include; "Help me!", "I'm stuck!", "I've got an error!", etc. Examples of good subjects include; "Getting an TABLE FULL error upon login", "Cannot restore a backup", etc.
2.11 - Members must not post on dead threads. If the latest post is more than a few weeks old this may be considered 'necroposting'.
2.12 - When making an application or a suggestion of any sort, it must remain active for 24 hours before attempting to withdraw it. This is to avoid more work being thrown for Forum Staff.
2.13 - Giving +/- supports on any section of the courthouse whether involved or not will lead to your comment being removed. This includes randomly giving your opinion on either the person or the ban itself.

Forum Behaviour

3.1 - You are allowed to state your opinion about Multiverse, even if it's negative. However, if doing so, please ensure your opinion is based on arguments and is not just spreading hate; plain hate will result in a warning/ban.
3.2 - Do not state your opinion about the community or community members randomly in threads, this is unnecessary and off-topic and may lead to a warning being issued.
3.3 - Do not insult forum members or staff members. If you do so, you may face a forum warning or suspension.
3.4 - Listen to staff decisions on the forums, even if you do not agree. If you fail to do so, you may face a forum warning or suspension. If you find an issue with a staff member’s judgement contact Server or Senior Management ( HA+).
3.5 - Do not post material that is hateful or mean towards race, religion, sex, or any other offensive nature. You can debate religion and politics in the World News forum, but you can do so WITHOUT being mean or hateful about it.
3.6 - Topics of a serious nature, such as suicide, death or loss, must be treated with sensitivity. Any jokes about such subjects will not be tolerated.
3.7 - Any abuse of the vote system to either increase someones likes or continuously dislike someones posts without reason is a punishable offense.


4.1 - Text sizes should be between small and normal. The content of signatures should not contain spyware, a lot of emoticons, pornographic images and so forth.
4.2 - If you paste steam logs or have a screenshot from a steam chat in your signature, you need to have permission from the person(s) that are chatting with you.
4.3 - Do not edit another user's signature with the intent to claim it as your own.
4.4 - You may have one image in your signature. If you have more than one the images may be removed without warning.

Private Messaging Rules

5.1 - Do not use Private Messaging to contact staff members regarding Ban/Un-ban related issues. Please post in the appropriate forum.
5.2 - Do not use Private Messaging to contact staff members requiring help, please post in the appropriate Help & Support forum and await for a response there.
5.3 - Do not use the Private Messaging to post disrespectful/offensive text or images to forum members or staff members.
5.4 - Do not use Private Messaging to spam. Doing so may lead to a forum warning or suspension.