Ingame Name: Lacey
Ingame Rank: CG Commander
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:580803477
1. Give Security Officers (cgso) NOT SENIORS Heartbeat Sensor
2. Give Security Officers a perk where they get +50hp and +50ap when stood still
3. Remove Massif and Rope Leash from Security Officers
4. Add a perk to the CG Electrostaff which gives +50hp on hit.
1. The Heartbeat sensor targets hostile NPCs (Red), Friendly NPCs (Green) and Players (Yellow), with this being an exclusive thing for SO who are a full defensive spec, it allows them to have an extra second of reaction time before being attacked. As mentioned, this will not include Seniors as it could be used offensively and be abused and make it unfair. SO sit backline in CC/MB or in a room at LZ in all events, making this change fair as it only allows them to keep eyes on a target when being attacked and allow them to see that a player is coming or an NPC is there, without telling them if the player is an EE or someone in a different regiment so doesnt make a difference as they will have the same amount of time to react previously.
2. This would be a perk that has to be activated that slightly boosts armour and health for a short amount of time whilst stood still. On activation, a small ring will be placed around you. As long as you stay in the ring you will gain an extra 50hp and 50 armor. If you leave the ring then those buffs will be stripped so you are forced to stay in one spot and hold you ground - like SO do already. The idea of this is once again to allow SO more of a chance of fighting against EEs. One EE can easily take down SO which is the maximum of 3 people on the job, and just slightly boosting them by 1 or 2 shots depending on the job should not make a massive difference, but a recognizable one for SO. A dev has been spoken to about this and said it is possible but tricky to do.
3. They are useless, I hate them. They get added and removed all the time and I'm adding to that cycle.
4. Health on hit with the electrostaffs is once again more a balancing change and would be an extra 50hp on hit, If an SO and a Magna are evenly trading hits with the electrostaff then they can survive 5-6 hits rather then the usual 4 hits it takes. The only reason for this change would be to give SO more of a chance to escort the OD out of the unsafe area in the case of an attack by a magna.
All of these suggestions are not to boost SO and make them invincible and instead just to add a fresh new playstyle. I believe these are all balanced changes and as a full defensive specialization these cannot be abused. They have not been changed significantly in 4+ years and it makes SO unplayable at times especially when attacked by multiple NPCs and EEs at the same time when the rest of CG are FL. Forcing the entire regiment to stay backline in events when everyone is FL because the one spec that chooses to stay backline cant defend it well enough with their equipment is more unfair.
Addons Needed: Heartbeat Sensor
Ingame Rank: CG Commander
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:580803477
1. Give Security Officers (cgso) NOT SENIORS Heartbeat Sensor
2. Give Security Officers a perk where they get +50hp and +50ap when stood still
3. Remove Massif and Rope Leash from Security Officers
4. Add a perk to the CG Electrostaff which gives +50hp on hit.
1. The Heartbeat sensor targets hostile NPCs (Red), Friendly NPCs (Green) and Players (Yellow), with this being an exclusive thing for SO who are a full defensive spec, it allows them to have an extra second of reaction time before being attacked. As mentioned, this will not include Seniors as it could be used offensively and be abused and make it unfair. SO sit backline in CC/MB or in a room at LZ in all events, making this change fair as it only allows them to keep eyes on a target when being attacked and allow them to see that a player is coming or an NPC is there, without telling them if the player is an EE or someone in a different regiment so doesnt make a difference as they will have the same amount of time to react previously.
2. This would be a perk that has to be activated that slightly boosts armour and health for a short amount of time whilst stood still. On activation, a small ring will be placed around you. As long as you stay in the ring you will gain an extra 50hp and 50 armor. If you leave the ring then those buffs will be stripped so you are forced to stay in one spot and hold you ground - like SO do already. The idea of this is once again to allow SO more of a chance of fighting against EEs. One EE can easily take down SO which is the maximum of 3 people on the job, and just slightly boosting them by 1 or 2 shots depending on the job should not make a massive difference, but a recognizable one for SO. A dev has been spoken to about this and said it is possible but tricky to do.
3. They are useless, I hate them. They get added and removed all the time and I'm adding to that cycle.
4. Health on hit with the electrostaffs is once again more a balancing change and would be an extra 50hp on hit, If an SO and a Magna are evenly trading hits with the electrostaff then they can survive 5-6 hits rather then the usual 4 hits it takes. The only reason for this change would be to give SO more of a chance to escort the OD out of the unsafe area in the case of an attack by a magna.
All of these suggestions are not to boost SO and make them invincible and instead just to add a fresh new playstyle. I believe these are all balanced changes and as a full defensive specialization these cannot be abused. They have not been changed significantly in 4+ years and it makes SO unplayable at times especially when attacked by multiple NPCs and EEs at the same time when the rest of CG are FL. Forcing the entire regiment to stay backline in events when everyone is FL because the one spec that chooses to stay backline cant defend it well enough with their equipment is more unfair.
Addons Needed: Heartbeat Sensor