Ingame Name: Bobius
Ingame Rank: Commander
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138272178
Suggestion: Give the RC marksman the rangefinder binoculars.
Reason: Currently the binoculars are held by foxtrot which does not make sense for them to have except for Impact as he has a sniper, It would be a great utility for RC snipers to have as it can assist them in the field finding targets.
Addons Needed: None as the binoculars are already on the server.
Ingame Rank: Commander
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138272178
Suggestion: Give the RC marksman the rangefinder binoculars.
Reason: Currently the binoculars are held by foxtrot which does not make sense for them to have except for Impact as he has a sniper, It would be a great utility for RC snipers to have as it can assist them in the field finding targets.
Addons Needed: None as the binoculars are already on the server.