In-game Name: GC 1st LT Peacy / Jedi Guardian Taylor
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:213260447
Discord ID: the.butterfly
Age (16+ Only): 23
Do you have a working mic?: Yes!
Have you received any staff warnings in the last 3 months (if so, explain)?: Nope, none!
Have you ever been banned (if so, explain)?: No.
Why do you wish to become a staff member?: I'd like to help out around the server! Do events with other staff members, get to know more people. Assist people where they need it, and remove any pesky minges that don't belong on the server, keeping it safe and a comforting space!
I have never been staff before, so I am inexperienced, but I am willing to learn and listen to any feedback anybody would have for me. I might not be the perfect person in some areas, but I try my best to see eye to eye with everybody, and be friendly towards everyone, no matter what!
As part of the staff team, you are responsible for hosting events & taking staff claims on a daily basis, do you accept this?: Yes of course! I would love to do all of it!
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:213260447
Discord ID: the.butterfly
Age (16+ Only): 23
Do you have a working mic?: Yes!
Have you received any staff warnings in the last 3 months (if so, explain)?: Nope, none!
Have you ever been banned (if so, explain)?: No.
Why do you wish to become a staff member?: I'd like to help out around the server! Do events with other staff members, get to know more people. Assist people where they need it, and remove any pesky minges that don't belong on the server, keeping it safe and a comforting space!
I have never been staff before, so I am inexperienced, but I am willing to learn and listen to any feedback anybody would have for me. I might not be the perfect person in some areas, but I try my best to see eye to eye with everybody, and be friendly towards everyone, no matter what!
As part of the staff team, you are responsible for hosting events & taking staff claims on a daily basis, do you accept this?: Yes of course! I would love to do all of it!