MrOuldy's PAC3 Application

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New member
1 Dec 2024
In-Game Name(s): MrOuldy
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64640508
In-game Rank (A minimum rank of 1st LT or Master Specialist is needed): 1st LT

For what reasons would you use PAC? (A minimum of 100 words):
PAC3 would allow me to deepen the immersion and creativity of my roleplay by adding custom visual elements that body groups alone cannot achieve. As a Galactic Marine and Medical Officer, I would love to have the ability and opportunity to reflect my in-game character's personality, rank, and experiences visually, such as showing my Medical Leadership Medal or Recruitment Medal on my body. In addition, I could use PAC to add a unique pauldron or markings that show battle wear, or even mission-specific equipment such as a custom holstered weapon or a datapad for field surgery usage. Additionally, PAC3 would assist with creating a physical story, like adjusting stances, animations, or idle movements to better suit different situations. I believe that these additions to my character, would make me feel more unique, alive and interactive within the server and world allowing further roleplay with myself, my reg, and my specialisation.

Give us an example of what you would put on your character(s):
As stated above, I'm thinking of adding medals that I have earnt as a Galactic Marine and Medical Officer, as well as Datapads for field surgeries. As well as these, I could add custom armour decals with scorch marks, to represent the history of Breaching within Galactic Marines, or weathering effects to show battle experience, or a holoprojector device that could be activated for certain roleplay scenarios.

What effect would it have on your RP? (A minimum of 100 words):
I believe that using PAC3 would greatly enhance my roleplay by allowing me to visually communicate aspects of my character's story, emotions, and role that cannot be expressed through dialogue or standard animations, including and not limited to medals and Medical Officer. I would enjoy creating a more distinct character with Galactic Marines that could follow the Lore of Clone Galactic Marine Medical Officer Nerves closer to the comics and artwork. I would also appreciate having smaller items for medical roleplay such as the device of a datapad that would enable me to roleplay in more detail.

How many warnings do you have?: None
Have you had PAC3 previously?: No
Are you fully aware that if you breach any of the rules your access will be removed?: YES
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HI @MrOuldy

Due to you having Pac VIP, I am going to Lock and place this app in the Denied Section, as the application is now void.

// Locked and Moved to Denied.
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