Moneys Unban request [IP banned so can't post]

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Staff member
22 Nov 2024
In-game Name: Money
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:173617428
Discord ID: 218403334627786752
Platform (CW/Imp/Discord/Web): Community

Staff Member Involved: Vex, Bobius
Reason for Ban: Sending inappropriate links and being intoxicated on the server
Length of Ban: Perma
Date of Ban: 10/12/24

Why do you think you should be unbanned: At first I thought it was funny and people involved were laughing but after reflecting on my actions I accept what I did was wrong, I would first like to take this chance to apologise to those involved and those I was inappropriate towards. If unbanned I would like to do this verbally as well. there is not much more i can say about why I should be unbanned I know I was wrong and would still like to be a part of the community I have kept coming back to over these past 8 or so years.
Any Evidence: Cant really provide any evidence
Hi @ManLikeTrigga

We have seen your unban request on behalf of Money and the request will be voted on by the senior team in the coming days.

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hi @ManLikeTrigga

The Senior Team have discussed your appeal. We have decided that we're happy to unban you from the server. However this act of kindness from us comes with a warning that you shall not appear on the server intoxicated again. Such things as spreading inappropriate links, meme's and other things which can cause either offence or trigger someone off and ruin the RP will not be tolerated and can lead to further long term punishments.

// Locked and moved to Accepted.
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