In-game Name: Money
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:173617428
Discord ID: 218403334627786752
Platform (CW/Imp/Discord/Web): Community
Staff Member Involved: Vex, Bobius
Reason for Ban: Sending inappropriate links and being intoxicated on the server
Length of Ban: Perma
Date of Ban: 10/12/24
Why do you think you should be unbanned: At first I thought it was funny and people involved were laughing but after reflecting on my actions I accept what I did was wrong, I would first like to take this chance to apologise to those involved and those I was inappropriate towards. If unbanned I would like to do this verbally as well. there is not much more i can say about why I should be unbanned I know I was wrong and would still like to be a part of the community I have kept coming back to over these past 8 or so years.
Any Evidence: Cant really provide any evidence
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:173617428
Discord ID: 218403334627786752
Platform (CW/Imp/Discord/Web): Community
Staff Member Involved: Vex, Bobius
Reason for Ban: Sending inappropriate links and being intoxicated on the server
Length of Ban: Perma
Date of Ban: 10/12/24
Why do you think you should be unbanned: At first I thought it was funny and people involved were laughing but after reflecting on my actions I accept what I did was wrong, I would first like to take this chance to apologise to those involved and those I was inappropriate towards. If unbanned I would like to do this verbally as well. there is not much more i can say about why I should be unbanned I know I was wrong and would still like to be a part of the community I have kept coming back to over these past 8 or so years.
Any Evidence: Cant really provide any evidence