Ingame Name: Bread
Ingame Rank: CE Chief
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58446659
Suggestion: Have the door in AIC use a button or keypad so it may remain open when needed
Reason: During events, it becomes challenging to engage effectively with elites entering AIC, as the door between AIC's main area and the back room often closes automatically, obstructing visibility and making it harder to react quickly. Adding a button or keypad to keep the door open when needed would improve visibility and response times, enhancing overall efficiency and comfort for CE during these situations.
Addons Needed: None
Ingame Rank: CE Chief
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58446659
Suggestion: Have the door in AIC use a button or keypad so it may remain open when needed
Reason: During events, it becomes challenging to engage effectively with elites entering AIC, as the door between AIC's main area and the back room often closes automatically, obstructing visibility and making it harder to react quickly. Adding a button or keypad to keep the door open when needed would improve visibility and response times, enhancing overall efficiency and comfort for CE during these situations.

Addons Needed: None