Ingame Name: Bobius
Ingame Rank: Commander
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138272178
Suggestion: Give plank the standard DC-17M
Reason: Currently Plank only has the DMR sniper rifle which is fine however other characters have the same loadout but have the DC17M, This will also allow plank to benefit from the RC skill point system.
Addons Needed: None, Weapon is already on the server.
Ingame Rank: Commander
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138272178
Suggestion: Give plank the standard DC-17M
Reason: Currently Plank only has the DMR sniper rifle which is fine however other characters have the same loadout but have the DC17M, This will also allow plank to benefit from the RC skill point system.
Addons Needed: None, Weapon is already on the server.