Ingame Name: Bobius
Ingame Rank: Commander
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138272178
Suggestion: Give Omega Fi and perk that allows him to run and gun with his sniper rifle as he has nothing else really special in his kit
Reason: Currently Omega Fi has no special perk so to fix this we would suggest a perk that he can buy using a skill point that would allow him to shoot while sprinting in combat, It would need to have some accuracy tweaks but it would make his character more unique
Addons Needed: None, Weapon is already on the server
Ingame Rank: Commander
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138272178
Suggestion: Give Omega Fi and perk that allows him to run and gun with his sniper rifle as he has nothing else really special in his kit
Reason: Currently Omega Fi has no special perk so to fix this we would suggest a perk that he can buy using a skill point that would allow him to shoot while sprinting in combat, It would need to have some accuracy tweaks but it would make his character more unique
Addons Needed: None, Weapon is already on the server