Ingame Name: Lacey
Ingame Rank: CG Commander
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:580803477
Suggestion: Add short range scopes to DC-15a (Stun), remove the E-11 and Remodel the Riot Shotgun to the SB-2
Reason: Normal Troopers/Medics/SO should not have the E-11 scope, but should have the short range scopes. The shotgun for riot looks way too weird as it is a rifle model, so remodelling it would be a QoL change to look at.
Addons Needed: N/A
Ingame Rank: CG Commander
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:580803477
Suggestion: Add short range scopes to DC-15a (Stun), remove the E-11 and Remodel the Riot Shotgun to the SB-2
Reason: Normal Troopers/Medics/SO should not have the E-11 scope, but should have the short range scopes. The shotgun for riot looks way too weird as it is a rifle model, so remodelling it would be a QoL change to look at.
Addons Needed: N/A