Bradderz Staff Application

  • Important Account Infomation

    Due to an issue with our previous host, we lost all of the data on our previous site. This means you are required to create a new account on both our forums and store. To transfer any tags/packages over to your new accounts, please create a ticket in the respective discord.
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New member
Trial Mod
9 Jan 2025
In-game Name: Bradderz
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:148590048
Discord ID: 156138186677026816
Age (16+ Only): 20
Do you have a working mic?: Yes

Have you received any staff warnings in the last 3 months (if so, explain)?: No
Have you ever been banned
(if so, explain)?: No

Why do you wish to become a staff member?: I wish to become a staff member on this server because I want to contribute to creating an immersive and enjoyable experience for all players. Over time I’ve developed a deep appreciation for this community, and I believe my dedication can help maintain a positive environment. As a staff member, i would like to help with resolving conflicts professionally. I’m excited to help new members feel welcome and to support creative events and activities that enhance the roleplay experience. i have some creative ideas which for events which the community would enjoy. My goal is to give back to the community and help it grow in a respectful and engaging way.

As part of the staff team, you are responsible for hosting events & taking staff claims on a daily basis, do you accept this?: YES
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On behalf of the Admin+ team I would like to say congratulations you have been Accepted into the staff team.

For the first two weeks you will be placed as an Advisor and your mentor will be in touch with yourself to begin your training.

// Locked and moved to Accepted.
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