MED AT-AP = anti vehicle

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Staff member
23 Nov 2024
Ingame Name: Waxer
Ingame Rank: XO
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:146530244

Change the AT-AP top gun and main gun from shooting explosive projectiles to blaster bolts

Currently the AT-AP features a lot of AOE damage, and as such is good at fighting everything. It does not fit a specialized purpose, but rather a middle ground between the TX and ATTE, so it is not unique in any way other than combining whats good from both.

By changing both of the AOE projectiles to blaster bolts(with a small AOE), we will make it fit a unique role and make it more interesting to play both as and with.

We suggest the following changes:

Main gun:
AOE Projectile > Bolt
Damage: 1000 AOE > 750 Direct, 250 Splash
Take in mind the main gun has a long cooldown so it is not being spammed, and requires the deployment of the third leg(making the vehicle immobile)

Top gun(gunner seat):
AOE Projectile > Bolt
Damage: 400 AOE > 200 Direct, 200 Splash

In comparison with the ATTE top gun(they fire the same projectile), it shoots slower and overheats slower.
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On behalf of the MVG Staff Team,

This suggestion has been Accepted.

Expect this to be in game soon.

// Locked and Moved to Accepted​
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