7th Fleet Naval Command

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Imperial Senior Admin
Staff member
Senior Admin
22 Nov 2024

Incoming Transmission From Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo

Please find below the official Imperial Naval Command roster for the 7th Fleet.


Grand Admiral Thrawn - Pheenie

Admiral - First

Vice Admiral - -

Rear Admiral - Tiger

Senior Naval Officers:

Commodore: -

Captain: -

Commander: -

Naval Officers:

Lieutenant Commander: -

Lieutenant: -

Sub-Lieutenant: Vaxer

Ensign: Owen

Officer Cadet: -

Naval Medical Directive:

Executive Medical Officer: Tiger

Naval Ground Command:

Lead Navy Trooper: First

Leadership and obedience are the two legs on which a warrior's life is balanced. Without both, victory cannot be achieved. Leadership depends on information and comprehension. Not so obedience. Sometimes a commander may choose to share details of his plan. Often he may not. In either case, obedience must be instant and complete.Such automatic response relies on trust between commander and those commanded. And that trust can only be obtained through leadership.

Transmission Concluded - Long Live The Empire
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