In-game Name: Vaxer
In-game Rank (Minimum SGT+/Sith 1st Spec): Sergeant
List your previous ranks: 2nd LT
State what you think the role of Naval is: To command troops as OD, make sure t he base / ship is stable.
Why do you wish to join Naval Command? I want to join because I want to have a new experience within SWRP and to be able to lead troops into battle.
How active can you be? Can be on most days.
Do you have a mic? No.
In-game Rank (Minimum SGT+/Sith 1st Spec): Sergeant
List your previous ranks: 2nd LT
State what you think the role of Naval is: To command troops as OD, make sure t he base / ship is stable.
Why do you wish to join Naval Command? I want to join because I want to have a new experience within SWRP and to be able to lead troops into battle.
How active can you be? Can be on most days.
Do you have a mic? No.