Vaxer's Naval Application

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New member
11 Jan 2025
In-game Name: Vaxer
In-game Rank (Minimum SGT+/Sith 1st Spec): Sergeant

List your previous ranks: 2nd LT
State what you think the role of Naval is: To command troops as OD, make sure t he base / ship is stable.
Why do you wish to join Naval Command? I want to join because I want to have a new experience within SWRP and to be able to lead troops into battle.

How active can you be? Can be on most days.
Do you have a mic? No.

-=[ Incoming transmission from Naval Command of the ISD Chimaera ]=-

The Imperial Navy has reviewed your application and we have decided that you will be ACCEPTED into the Imperial Navy. The Imperial Navy is looking forward to working alongside you in leading the troops to countless victories! We will contact you directly informing you on how to proceed. If you have any further enquiries you may contact a Naval Captain or higher.

Long Live the Empire​
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