Star Staff app

  • Important Account Infomation

    Due to an issue with our previous host, we lost all of the data on our previous site. This means you are required to create a new account on both our forums and store. To transfer any tags/packages over to your new accounts, please create a ticket in the respective discord.
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New member
12 Dec 2024
In-game Name: Star.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:501683901
Discord ID: flawedstar
Age: 21.
Do you have a working mic?: Yes.

Have you received any staff warnings in the last 3 months?: I have not.
Have you ever been banned
?: Yes, for 1 week.

Why do you wish to become a staff member?: I think I'll do great as staff, always thought i would. Been on this server and in this community for around 3ish years so i have plenty of experience, I have never been staff or event team in this time however i don't think this is an issue. I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment so activity is never a problem. I have plenty of ideas in the time I've played that I've wanted to act on, but never had done so filling out a quota won't be an issue. That's really it tbf, all i can say is that i have plenty of time at the moment for anything staff related.
As part of the staff team, you are responsible for hosting events & taking staff claims on a daily basis, do you accept this?: Yes.

On behalf of the Admin+ team I would like to say unfortunately your staff application has been Denied.

The reasons for the denial are that the Admin+ team feel like your presence and performance are not up to the standard of a staff member.
This is easy to fix by trying to get yourself more known within the community try and speak to people outside your regiment.

// Locked and moved to Denied.
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