In-game Name: Immy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:757917336
Discord ID: 1071919729188548648
Platform (CW/Imp/Discord/Web): CW, Imp and most Discords except Shadow
Staff Member Involved: Turtles
Reason for Ban: NITRP | Coming back to minge after 4 week ban | Perma Ban
Length of Ban: Permanent
Date of Ban: No idea, about a year ago.
Why do you think you should be unbanned: I made some mistakes after leaving the server, I only came back to fuck around and I was immature thinking the only way to have fun anymore was to minge and do stupid RP scenarios. I never intended to cause much trouble I was just trying to have a bit of cheeky fun but I understand now that I caused the staff and senior team a lot of stress and even though I've played other servers since, MVG is the best I've played and I still have friends on MVG that I just want to play on again now that I'm stressed at uni and just looking to have that bit of fun in my life. I hope I can be given a second chance in this new year and I want to prove to everyone that I can be the good roleplayer that I used to be!
Any Evidence: N/A
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:757917336
Discord ID: 1071919729188548648
Platform (CW/Imp/Discord/Web): CW, Imp and most Discords except Shadow
Staff Member Involved: Turtles
Reason for Ban: NITRP | Coming back to minge after 4 week ban | Perma Ban
Length of Ban: Permanent
Date of Ban: No idea, about a year ago.
Why do you think you should be unbanned: I made some mistakes after leaving the server, I only came back to fuck around and I was immature thinking the only way to have fun anymore was to minge and do stupid RP scenarios. I never intended to cause much trouble I was just trying to have a bit of cheeky fun but I understand now that I caused the staff and senior team a lot of stress and even though I've played other servers since, MVG is the best I've played and I still have friends on MVG that I just want to play on again now that I'm stressed at uni and just looking to have that bit of fun in my life. I hope I can be given a second chance in this new year and I want to prove to everyone that I can be the good roleplayer that I used to be!
Any Evidence: N/A