Ingame Name: Kalin
Ingame Rank: MCO
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:172892203
Suggestion: Add a placeable mode for 212th's thermal detonators
Reason: This will be used for RP situations(such as demolitions) as they will have a delay before they can be used, and will do lower damage than usual. Will have a half-sphere model like the placable nades in the clone wars show, and blink and make a noise after primed. Will switch between placeable and default mode through an attachment.
Addons Needed: N/A, i will do em
Suggestion: Make GMs placeable explosives an attachment for their EMP nades, add a placeable EMP nade
Reason: It will make their inventory a bit cleaner if their placable explosives are an attachment instead of a separate weapon. Planning on making both reg's explosive variant visually different.
Also adding a variant of their EMP nades where they can plant them can open up a lot of playstyle options for them - baiting EEs, using them in combination with their other explosive, etc etc.
For refference, the GM EMP nades stun enemies for a short duration.
Addons Needed: N/A, i will do em
We have spoken to GM CO Macauley about both of these and they approve on their additions.
Ingame Rank: MCO
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:172892203
Suggestion: Add a placeable mode for 212th's thermal detonators
Reason: This will be used for RP situations(such as demolitions) as they will have a delay before they can be used, and will do lower damage than usual. Will have a half-sphere model like the placable nades in the clone wars show, and blink and make a noise after primed. Will switch between placeable and default mode through an attachment.
Addons Needed: N/A, i will do em
Suggestion: Make GMs placeable explosives an attachment for their EMP nades, add a placeable EMP nade
Reason: It will make their inventory a bit cleaner if their placable explosives are an attachment instead of a separate weapon. Planning on making both reg's explosive variant visually different.
Also adding a variant of their EMP nades where they can plant them can open up a lot of playstyle options for them - baiting EEs, using them in combination with their other explosive, etc etc.
For refference, the GM EMP nades stun enemies for a short duration.
Addons Needed: N/A, i will do em
We have spoken to GM CO Macauley about both of these and they approve on their additions.