Window makes another staff app, Good morning!

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    Due to an issue with our previous host, we lost all of the data on our previous site. This means you are required to create a new account on both our forums and store. To transfer any tags/packages over to your new accounts, please create a ticket in the respective discord.
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Trial Mod
22 Nov 2024
In-game Name: CE Chief Technician Window
Steam ID: 76561198136396531
Discord ID: 486959853869203458
Age (16+ Only): 22
Do you have a working mic?: Yah

Have you received any staff warnings in the last 3 months (if so, explain)?: None ever :)
Have you ever been banned
(if so, explain)?: Non

Why do you wish to become a staff member?:
I wish to become part of the staff team as I have a great passion for hosting events, creating immersive RP through the use of passives and to assist with staffing the community which I very much enjoy interacting with in creating a safe and welcoming place to play. I feel bad for having to ask staff x amount of times to set up (yet another) CE killhouse or annoyingly long passives and would like to be able to help others setting theirs up. Years before my time on MVG I had a range of experience on both elements of event planning and moderating which I would love to get back to. Having spent the time working up to reaching a senior officer rank, I have loved interacting with other regiments to learn more about their trainings, RP and what they enjoy.

I'm aware I may suffer from being Scottish, I hope however that this can be looked past (and my speech understood) and that I may be considered to bolster the very cool staff team already in place. To the window...

As part of the staff team, you are responsible for hosting events & taking staff claims on a daily basis, do you accept this?: YES

On behalf of the Admin+ team I would like to say you have been Placed On Hold.
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Reactions: Window

On behalf of the Admin+ team I would like to say congratulations you have been Accepted into the staff team.

For the first two weeks you will be placed as an Advisor and your mentor will be in touch with yourself to begin your training.

// Locked and moved to Accepted
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