In-game Name: GC 1st LT MMCO Sky
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:530690473
Discord ID: 773635978425794642 | coric.
Age (16+ Only): 24
Do you have a working mic?: Yes
Have you received any staff warnings in the last 3 months (if so, explain)?: None
Have you ever been banned (if so, explain)?: No
Why do you wish to become a staff member?: I have previous staff experience both event hosting and moderating on other servers and would like to give back to the community. I enjoyed making events and dupes and would like to contribute to the enjoyable events on the server. I have many creative ideas for events that I would love to transform into actual events again. I also enjoyed helping the communities between events with ticket claims and setting up trainings for others and would like to help in it again.
While I am on the quieter side, I am however very active and I make up for it with creativity and dedication towards any goal I am either given or make myself.
As part of the staff team, you are responsible for hosting events & taking staff claims on a daily basis, do you accept this?: Yes
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:530690473
Discord ID: 773635978425794642 | coric.
Age (16+ Only): 24
Do you have a working mic?: Yes
Have you received any staff warnings in the last 3 months (if so, explain)?: None
Have you ever been banned (if so, explain)?: No
Why do you wish to become a staff member?: I have previous staff experience both event hosting and moderating on other servers and would like to give back to the community. I enjoyed making events and dupes and would like to contribute to the enjoyable events on the server. I have many creative ideas for events that I would love to transform into actual events again. I also enjoyed helping the communities between events with ticket claims and setting up trainings for others and would like to help in it again.
While I am on the quieter side, I am however very active and I make up for it with creativity and dedication towards any goal I am either given or make myself.
As part of the staff team, you are responsible for hosting events & taking staff claims on a daily basis, do you accept this?: Yes
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